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Nyelvtanulási tippek » A 4 legfontosabb kérdés angol állásinterjún

4 kérdés, amit ha ismersz, nagyobb eséllyel indulsz.

Ezt a bejegyzést elsősorban azoknak ajánlom, akik elég jól tudnak már angolul ahhoz, hogy megállják a helyüket egy angol nyelvű állásinterjún. Innentől kezdve tehát folytassuk angolul…



At a job interview, you should pay close attention to those four most important questions they want answers to:


1.   Why are you here?

2.   What can you do for us?

3.   Will you fit in? (Will you get along with our values and culture here?)

4.   What makes you different from everyone else that we may have talked with? (Will you go that extra mile?)


Some common questions you'll often encounter at the beginning of the interview have the same purpose:


"Tell me a little about yourself." (Question #2: "What can you do for us?")

"What do you know about us?" (Question #1: "Why are you here?")

"Why are you here today?" (Same)

"Why are you looking to change jobs?" (Question#2: "What can you do for us?")

„Why should we hire you (over everyone else we've seen)?” (Question #4: "Will you go the extra mile?")


In my view if you find the best replies to these questions, you will be much more confident next time at the interview. Good luck!

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